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#18 - #19 Profile Status

Posted: Mon Mar 18, 2013 5:54 pm
by CodenStuff
Welcome to challenges #18 and #19

Profile Status

I apologise for the late posting of today's challenge I was unable to get online to post it.

Due to the lateness of this challenge I decided to combine both challenge #18 and #19 into a single challenge so you get a bit of extra time to work on it.

This challenge is part of the "Buddy-List" challenge posted last week that involves working with the site API so I hope you saved your projects. Last time we asked you to create an app that would display a users friend list and this challenge will add more to that app...

#18 For this challenge you will need to add the ability to display a friends profile information (when selecting a friend from the list) and when you display their profile information their username should be coloured using their user colour. So for example if I am on your friends list and you select to display my profile information is should display my name in RED because that is my user colour.

You can get a users profile information using the following API call:
api/LiveAPIJsonXML.php?mode=UserProfile ... FUSERTOGET
#19 For this part of the challenge you will need to get and display a selected friends Status Messages. So if you select me it should display a list of my recent status messages. It is up to you if you want to include replies with those messages displayed but it is not required.

You can get a list of users messages using the following API call:
api/LiveAPIJsonXML.php?mode=UserMessage ... FUSERTOGET
See the first API challenge thread for instructions on how to get your API key and further API information: viewtopic.php?f=182&t=10475

So lets run down what you need to do:
1) Display a friends profile information when friend selected.
2) Display their username colourized match the user colour (this is included in the profile info).
3) Display a list of friends status messages when friend selected.

Requirements for this challenge:
Must do all 3 things listed above using the API.
User must be able to "login" with their own username and API key.

Bonus points awarded to everyone who completes this challenge and a guaranteed prize will be given to one of the entrants when the challenge closes (randomly chosen from all qualifying entries).

Good luck cooll;

Re: #18 - #19 Profile Status

Posted: Mon Mar 18, 2013 9:15 pm
by Scottie1972
did you fix the API XML Loop?

Re: #18 - #19 Profile Status

Posted: Mon Mar 18, 2013 10:24 pm
by CodenStuff
Not yet. I can't find a way to convert json to xml correctly...still looking.

Re: #18 - #19 Profile Status

Posted: Tue Mar 19, 2013 11:33 pm
by comathi
I might fix the aesthetics up a bit later... but maybe not lol
Edit: The apostrophees being displayed as HTML codes have been fixed... a little prettier now lol nutter;


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