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Using a DB

Posted: Sun Jan 02, 2011 10:55 am
by rocky4126
In this guide I'm going to show you how to use PDO to connect to your DB and manipulate data etc.
We will initiate the connection through the PDO class using $db = new PDO("dbtype;dbname=dbnamehere", "db_user", "db_pass")
Initiate the connection

$db = new PDO("mysql;dbname=testdb", "db_user", "db_pass");

Now, let's insert some data!
We will use the command: INSERT INTO. The syntax for this is: INSERT [INTO] table [(column1, column2, ...)] VALUES|VALUE(info1, info2, ...)

$db->query("INSERT INTO example (name, age) VALUES('Timmy Mellowman', '23' ) ");
$db->query("INSERT INTO example (name, age) VALUES('Joe Bloggs', '22' ) ");
$db->query("INSERT INTO example (name, age) VALUES('John Smith', '52' ) ");

Now, we want to pull data from the table, so, using $db->query again, we're going to select a table.
Syntax: SELECT [column1, column2, ...] FROM table [WHERE column1=blah [AND column2=blah [OR column3=blah]]]
and then we will make the data useable with $db->fetchObject($table);

$query = $db->query("SELECT FROM example");
while($info = $db->fetchObject($query)){
//call the info

That's all for now folks, Thanks, Rocky4126