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Pure JS HSLA & RGBA Color Picker

Posted: Sun Feb 09, 2014 3:41 am
by mikethedj4
My fiddle -

So today I was searching for an open source rgba color picker and I've came across a lot, but most haven't met my needs being small compact yet easy to use. I came across this one, which is great as it supports opacity, but when I tried it on my tablet it didn't work. I decided I wanted to try and make one myself, and in order to do this I have to further explore on how colors are generated.

Before I go any further while looking for tutorials on how to make a custom hue color picker. I didn't have any luck, but I did come across some nice resources as well as this pure js color picker. (Here's another, more stylish and user friendly one)

In addition here's a tutorial to understand HSLA a bit better.
It's important to note that most browsers by default render colors using the rgb color value.

Here's my experiment -

I plan on experimenting with this more. My plan is to make a color picker similar to jquery minicolors that'll work for touch devices as well being small & compact.

Re: Pure JS HSLA & RGBA Color Picker

Posted: Sun Feb 09, 2014 3:45 am
by smashapps
Wow that's awesome #mikethedj4 nice work