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Ubuntu Development?

Posted: Thu May 16, 2013 9:17 am
by DrNayr

im not new here but my account is new here, i was just viewing this forums as a guest from like 4-5 months, just because of imbetavb in youtube i came here, now since i gave my windows PC to my sister, i have only mac now which means i cant continue my hobby which is programming in VB.NET..

I always wanted to try linux and thought the time has came, I got parallels desktop and ubuntu on it..

Ubuntu looks cool till now but, I don't really think many people use this so thats why I didnt find all my answers in google, so a few questions if anyone ever used ubuntu

1) Is there a VB.NET like language in ubuntu?
2) I tried eclipse but all the tutorials i saw so far has only stuff doing with "console" as i remember, like is there any DESKTOP applications development in Eclipse? and how to start a new project for that?

3) Is it possible to create apps made in eclipse that are .jar and work on both ubuntu and windows? or even maybe mac?

4) Do u suggest me learning any dev language in linux?

Thanks :) hehaho;

Re: Ubuntu Development?

Posted: Thu May 16, 2013 9:38 am
by CodenStuff
Hello #DrNayr

We have quite a few Linux users on here (I'm not one of them unfortunately) so they will probably be able to help you more than I could and they will probably reply to you soon.

I think Python is the language of choice on Linux dev and I don't know if you can use Visual Studio on it but there is an IDE called that works on Linux and lets you code cross-platform software in .Net. Maybe that will help you :?

Been lurking in the background for a while then I see :lol: ..I'm glad you decided to register cooll;

Re: Ubuntu Development?

Posted: Thu May 16, 2013 10:17 am
by comathi
Hello there, and welcome to the community :)

0) Well actually, a lot of people use Ubuntu and its variants (i being one of them)

1) Technically, there is a way to program VB.NET on Linux, using a program called MonoDevelop (you can find it in the Ubuntu Software Center). However, I wouldn't personally recommend it. Obviously, .NET being Microsoft's proprietary framework, it's hard to make something 100% compatible with it on Linux. Also, from what I've read, C# is better supported for now than VB.

2) Don't know much about Eclipse. Sorry lol

3) Again, I'm not very familiar with Eclipse, but Python (which is pre-installed with Ubuntu) can be used on Linux, Mac, Windows (as long as you have the right software installed). I don't know about .jar creation, but I think there's a way of compiling into .exe for Windows and .deb for Ubuntu. There's probably something similar for Mac.

4) Yes, Python lol. It's a very easy language to learn, and it just... Makes sense. I'll post a few links later to help get you started cooll;

Edit: Here they are

- Learn Python interactively @ Codecademy:
- Python reference:
- Ubuntu App Developer:

Re: Ubuntu Development?

Posted: Thu May 16, 2013 11:41 am
by Shim

if you really want to program in you can install virtualbox or vmware and you could install and run windows virtually . eclipse is an IDE lol yes java is a platform independant language . as a java programmer(still learning) dont use any IDE when you start learning it use a text editor and compile & run with terminal . dont jump from console to GUI before learning it by the way i recommend you to read the book , ebook named Thinking In Java it has everything also if you dont mind me you could pm me if you need any help

Re: Ubuntu Development?

Posted: Thu May 16, 2013 12:56 pm
by AnoPem
You cant design your application in eclipse as you can in vb you have to write everything for yourself

Re: Ubuntu Development?

Posted: Thu May 16, 2013 1:10 pm
by DrNayr

Thanks, well I wasted around a hour just to get monodevelop and i dont know how i got into another program called Wine while googling about monodevelop and downloaded it, and saw many videos about both of these but i dont think i would like to have them.. loove; (rose for your awesome website)


wow finally I see someone uses Ubuntu here 8-) , and as I said about monodevelop i dont really like to have it, and
it looks like python is a good thing to learn, I will try to learn the basics of both python and java because i have a lot of free time :P thanks for the tips loove;


nah installing it on vm is really not a good idea since im running Ubuntu in a Virtual machine(parallels desktop), and I think its a lot easier to just switch to GUI app design then just write and write in console, it gets more boring that way, and I wonder how would i compile it and run it without Eclipse? anyway even if i can do it easily Eclipse helps me when i put some wrong codes and the syntax is a lot better then a text editor, I dont think i will ever read a book or ebook, YouTube is my teacher :) thanks loove;


If thats true then it really sux


Thanks for the support, and sorry for late answer, was a bit busy :oops:

Re: Ubuntu Development?

Posted: Thu May 16, 2013 1:29 pm
by smashapps
Re Java Application Development there are Interface designers so you don't have to do it ALL from code, you can use an application to design the interface then bring it in to Eclipse it isn't too hard.

Re: Ubuntu Development?

Posted: Thu May 16, 2013 1:34 pm
by Shim
DrNayr wrote:


nah installing it on vm is really not a good idea since im running Ubuntu in a Virtual machine(parallels desktop), and I think its a lot easier to just switch to GUI app design then just write and write in console, it gets more boring that way, and I wonder how would i compile it and run it without Eclipse? anyway even if i can do it easily Eclipse helps me when i put some wrong codes and the syntax is a lot better then a text editor, I dont think i will ever read a book or ebook, YouTube is my teacher :) thanks loove;

to compile your java application without an IDE first you need to create an environment variable if you don't have one for that go ahead and right click my computer in windows 7 and windows 8 else (windows xp) properties and then go here and click environment variable


then you will see this window


Click new and

Variable name = PATH
Variable value = your java bin path (ie : C:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.7.0_11\bin\)

click ok , ok and ok and restart :D DONE :)

so after restart you need to check whether the compiler works correctly to check open cmd(command prompt) and type javac and hit enter if you get bunch of texts like this then your compiler works


so lets compile a program first you need to get a good text editor because you have syntax highlighting and etc i prefer Notepad++

then write a program


after that save the text document as [your class name].java as you see mine is Shim then open the cmd and go to the directory mine is saved in desktop so i am going to desktop and when you reach the place where you have the java file type javac [your file name] and hit enter


if your code has no problems the command will return back if you have errors you will get tips to solve the errors


now to run the program type the java [file name without extension] and hit enter


yipee the program is running :)

smashapps wrote:
Re Java Application Development there are Interface designers so you don't have to do it ALL from code, you can use an application to design the interface then bring it in to Eclipse it isn't too hard.
yes your right but doing all by codes makes a lot sense for a beginner an intermediate can use an IDE , yes netbeans,eclipse has form designer like , c#

Re: Ubuntu Development?

Posted: Thu May 16, 2013 1:57 pm
by DrNayr
#DrNayr said: I got parallels desktop and ubuntu on it..
and lol .. #mshimranpro u showed me steps on windows and im on linux, its ok and sorry for that but it was helpful

Re: Ubuntu Development?

Posted: Thu May 16, 2013 2:00 pm
by Shim
DrNayr wrote:
#DrNayr said: I got parallels desktop and ubuntu on it..
and lol .. #mshimranpro u showed me steps on windows and im on linux, its ok and sorry for that but it was helpful
sorry i don't us linux btw get windows somehow because for development windows is a really good platform


i found this could be right cooll;