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What I've been doing

Posted: Sun Apr 24, 2016 12:40 pm
by smashapps
Hey guys,

I haven't been posting much so I thought I would share a few pictures of what I've been working

Hexagon coasters

I saw a YouTube video of hexagon coasters someone made and I loved the idea so I am recreating them for myself. Each side will get a magnet so you can put more coasters together to have room for something like a pot, or pull them away for individual coasters.



I printed out a template I made in Illustrator to make these coasters, spray glued onto the timber then use my new sliding mitre compound saw to cut them up. In the future I will purchase better tools to draw them instead, because removing the glue afterwards is a huge pain in the butt.


This is something I've wanted to for awhile and a friend of mine gave me the top section of an old water tank. I removed the top, removed all the old flaky paint and resprayed it. I've now also lined it with pond plastic, I have goldfish inside which will go in. I have 5 comet and 5 fantail fish, goldfish want 30 litres each and the tank is just over 300 litres.



(Sorry image uploaded upside down :X )

I need to pickup a pump and setup a spot for the plants to grow as well, so a little awhile to go yet but I'm proud of the progress I've made.

Arcade Machine

I've been wanting to do this for more than 5 years, lack of knowledge is what stopped me. I've finally gotten around to start at least. I have the cabinet built, the games are running on retropie on raspberry pi 3 and I've now finished the control panel. I need to mount the monitor, and speakers and finish the frame for the monitor to hide the back of the cabinet, It's nearly done though! Don't ask what I've spent lol.




I've also just built a new workbench for my shed, it's stronger than store bought benches and cost a lot less, not to mention bigger !

What has everyone else been doing? :)

Re: What I've been doing

Posted: Tue Apr 26, 2016 8:15 am
by CodenStuff
Looks like you've got some good projects going on there :D