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Help and ideas

Posted: Wed Jul 27, 2016 2:41 pm
by muttley1968
Hello guys,
Its been a while since i have been to this forums so let me address why first, I have been on a big career change moving from computers in education and now i am working at a secondary school with kids who have had challenging upbringings but are still some of the nicest and smartest people you will meet.

as a result of finally working in an environment where my passion (Computers) can be shared with others i plan to setup a "Nerd Centre" but well funds are low and equipment is practically none so a lot of the work etc.. has to be done by me, now the idea of this centre is during lessons it will teach programming etc... via sites like this, we will show the kids how to google and find what they need to achieve a goal their selves.

One idea i have had is to add a "Rewards" system, so the sections we have as we have a hole dorm, so each room will have a set use for example one for hardware one for programming one for gamming and one for phone/repair of phones etc...

i want to make it so they gain rewards for completeing tasks for for example a peice of work is worth 10points these 10 points would then be sependable on the systems we have.
I just dot know how to do it CHEAP.

One idea i had which has proven to expensive was RFID, each pupil would get a card, and would present their work and card to a teacher who would mark it then swipe their card adding points, then on the pc would be readers that would read and programe that would allow extra access to things like a switch taht would open steam and allow them to play steam games, or a room that would have a locked door and you scanned and got access to it and inside was an xbox or something.

so any ideas for this project people could give would be GREAT.
Also if anyone has anything they could Ship and donate that would be GREAT as well.

my ultimate aim is to get these kids to the point where i could convince the school to open a local computer company doing websites and repairs etc...
and hire the kids as they left school for their first few months to give them a head start, but this is a big dream i guess.

thanks for any ideas :) in advance

Re: Help and ideas

Posted: Wed Jul 27, 2016 7:06 pm
by Filip
muttley1968 wrote:
One idea i had which has proven to expensive was RFID, each pupil would get a card, and would present their work and card to a teacher who would mark it then swipe their card adding points, then on the pc would be readers that would read and programe that would allow extra access to things like a switch taht would open steam and allow them to play steam games, or a room that would have a locked door and you scanned and got access to it and inside was an xbox or something.

A way cheaper alternative to this would be using cards with QR codes printed on them. These can be read by pretty much anything ranging from webcams, smartphones and ordinary barcode scanners. However, that makes copying cards quite easier, so if security is an emphasis, you would want to stick with RFID.

If students are equipped with smartphones, you could go other way around and have app that reads dynamic barcode displayed on teacher's screen and authenticate like that. You can see example of that on app called WhatsApp, which authenticates its web interface using that approach.

If I figure something else, I'll let you know!


Re: Help and ideas

Posted: Thu Jul 28, 2016 3:25 pm
by muttley1968
QR Codes would be a good way to do it actually, the code could just have a "profile" linked and each time its scanned the scanner then runs code so the QR wouldnt need to change.
Hmmm thats a good CHEAP IDEA :)

thank you.