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Illustrator CS5.5 Button Preview

Posted: Fri Dec 16, 2011 11:59 pm
by smashapps
I have just started learning PhotoShop and Illustrator and I designed this button in Illustrator, Please tell me what you guys think, I read tutorials but now can produce the below results myself :)



Re: Illustrator CS5.5 Button Preview

Posted: Sat Dec 17, 2011 7:14 am
by hungryhounduk
Yeah not bad for a first attempt.

Here is a tip for creating great Buttons in Pshop

Create your own Alpha Channels and have complete control over your design and look that you want to achieve.

1. On a New Layer = Create a Marque (Marching Ants) using the Rectangular Marque tool or the Circular Marque tool or both ( using SHIFT to Combine them) to the size you want.

2. With the Marque still selected FILL with Grey from Color Pallete

3. At the bottom of the CHANNELS Palette, add a ALPHA CHANNEL and fill the ALPHA Channel with WHITE from the color Pallete.

3. With the ALPHA Channel and the Marque still selected go to FILTER/BLUR>Gaussian Blur and add a RADIUS OF 3 ( 3 will give a nice bevel ).

4. Click on the Layers Pallete and click the shape you are working on in the layer List, Then goto FILTER/RENDER/LIGHTING EFFECTS

5. A Menu for Lighting Effects will pop up and there is a whole manner of adjustments you can use to get the look you want.

**After you have done that

6. Go Back to the LAYERS Pallette and Deselect the Marque, then goto LAYER/LAYER STYLE> and choose INNER SHADOW from the List.

7. When the Menu pops up you will see lots of other Adjustments that can be done to the shape you are working on, Adjust INNER SHADOW/DROP SHADOW/OUTER GLOW/SATIN/COLOR OVERLAY/STROKE etc, to suit the style that you are after....

Once you have mastered this you will find it so much help, you will be using it all the time..

Great for creating Interfaces/Buttons or just any thing that springs to mind.

Keep it up


Re: Illustrator CS5.5 Button Preview

Posted: Sat Dec 17, 2011 12:52 pm
by comathi
Looks great! :D I personally have never used photoshop, so I can't give you any tips, but I think hungryhounduk's got that covered :D

Re: Illustrator CS5.5 Button Preview

Posted: Tue Dec 20, 2011 10:53 pm
by smashapps
Thanks for that Comathi and Hungry, Well these ones were done in Illustrator, I have used Photoshop more but It's so hard to decide which one I want to use more!

I have also been doing Contour drawings in Flash, probably not the best program but I have everything saved in the Library and can animate it later, before I started xmas holidays I did an animation of a fish jumping out of the water, im pretty sure I posted it on CnS I will have a look.