My Fave games of old

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My Fave games of old
A brief history of my favorite games

I started thinking about some of the games ive played over the years and I thought I would make a post on some of my all time favorites and some of which you may not have heard of and have sadly been lost and forgotten over the years so here it is lol

I use to play this game for hours and hours and its basically just a puzzle game where you control an egg "Dizzy" and collect items to solve puzzles. This was one of the great games on ZX Spectrum.
Turbo the tortoise
This was the equivalent of Mario or Sonic games back in the day and it was a realy enjoyable little platformer.
Probably the best 2d side-scrolling shoot-em-up games ever and it plays a lot like the original Metroid but had more weapons and action than my brain could handle at the time lol.
Z: Steel Soldiers
I dont care what anyone says but this game was and probably still is the BEST real time strategy game EVER!. Its objective was simple all you had to do was blow up the enemy castle but that was easier said than done after the first few levels because it get seriously hard as you go along. You control grunts, tanks, jeeps and turrets and you can seize control of little factories to build more but it was much more satisfying killing the drivers of enemy vehicles and taking control of them lol.
Some of my favorite slightly more up-to-date and recent-ish games are..

Nights into dreams
This was a pretty cool game on the Saturn you controlled a weird "jester" type character flying around levels collecting orbs in a cross between both 2d and 3d worlds I use to stay up until the early hours of the morning in my room playing this game...the soundtrack wasnt bad either.
Panzer Dragoon Saga
I remember playing a series of Panzer games on a few different consoles which was basically a 3d shooter game where you ride a dragon and blast enemies..simple. One game in the series was Saga a 3d RPG version of the game which was maybe one of the first very early 3D RPG games and it was good to play but I never managed to complete it due to one of the discs being unreadable :( ..this game was on Sega Saturn and it had about 4-5 discs which you had to change around while playing the game to load up new levels/areas etc.

It was actually quite a rare game and was released near the end of the Saturns life so not that many copies exist...IF YOU SEE THIS GAME IN A SHOP SOMEWHERE CHEAP THEN BUY IT BECAUSE ITS WORTH A SMALL FORTUNE IF YOU CAN GET YOUR HANDS ON IT! ...check ebay and you will see people pay 100s for this game. I enjoyed this game and its a shame not many people got a chance to play it due to its rarity.
Sega Rally (the original)
I can honestly say there isnt a single person in this world that could beat me at this game and if there is then bring it on :lol: ...I LOVED this game and played it so much I became a master of it getting the best times and absolutely flawless laps...I even managed to unlock a special hidden vehicle mode that wasnt revealed to exist until about a year later by Sega (it was by accident lol). "Easy over left".."Long easy right".."Big over jump" god I loved this game!!. The only other racing games ive played that even came close to the great gameplay and handling of Sega Rally was Top Gear Rally on the Nintendo 64 and Screamer Rally on PC (I wonder if I can download that somewhere lol)

Zelda Ocarina Of Time
I think this game was given the title of best game ever at some point and to be honest its not easy to argue with that because it was a truely amazing game. Link in 3D what more do you want!. The puzzles were amazing and challenging, worlds, towns, scenery were beautiful, enemies were perfectly designed in terms of difficulty as you progressed through the game and the boss battles were pure genius!. I think it took me about 3 months to complete this game because it was a long game and the environments just had to be explored and because im a curious gamer I just had to check under every bush and around every corner to see what was there and make sure I didnt miss anything lol.
Golden Eye & Perfect Dark
Golden Eye was a great FPS game and I think the first one I realy enjoyed playing on a console but Perfect Dark was so much better with great weapons and challenging missions and it also had aliens which is always a good thing lol. Another FPS game I enjoyed playing (but only with cheats enabled because it wasnt easy) was Turok a FPS game where you went around shooting dinosaurs instead of people which made a change but the levels were hard as f*ck to figure out lol
I kindof went off playing games about 5 years ago and havent owned a console or played many games since then :? ..infact the only game I play now when I have free time is TFC which as you all know is a FPS game on steam and I realy enjoy it because it has great gameplay that cant realy be matched by todays games..its a bit like Z Steel Soldiers in the sense that other RTS games may look better and have more options and fancy graphics but the gameplay just isnt the same..nothing will ever match the gameplay of Z or TFC.

lol anyway those are some of the games I remember realy enjoying playing and if you have any old favorites please let us know :)

Play on!
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Re: My Fave games of old
I've played Dizzy, Turbo the tortoise and Z Steel Soldiers.
Other than that Dangerous Dave, Mario but now I play TFC and a few other high end games like FIFA 12, Mass effect, Assassins Creed, etc.
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Re: My Fave games of old
before about 2 , 3 years ago i am crazy gamer but i stopped playing games when i started / interested in programming . i loved programming when i saw photoshop i really amazed and thought and got a decition to start programming and i am really developed in programming with the help of codenstuff.
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Re: My Fave games of old
My favorite games right now are minecraft and TF2, i'm playing COD MW4 and Sonic generations occasionally.
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Re: My Fave games of old
I havent played any of those but TFC lol. I play Magica, Assasins Creed Brotherhood, Minecraft, Battlefield Heroes :lol: Battlefield play4free and alot of mobile games :D
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